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The Main Beneficiaries of This Focus Are Websites With

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:12 am
by arijitkumar
The main beneficiaries of this focus are websites with a strong brand profile and broad topical subject matter. On the other hand, this means that niche websites dealing with these topics have seen their rankings drop. As Martin Mißfeldt reports (link to German report), almost all the domains for which he is responsible have seen their traffic and turnover affected by the update. T-Shirt Design service These are mostly health websites dealing with niche topics like (blood counts), (glasses) and (red blood cells). These domains all saw their traffic drop by around two-thirds compared to before the update, and they all experienced similar revenue losses.

Mißfeldt's theory is that his domains might -- from Google's perspective -- lose some of their expert status as a result of the update. User signals are gaining importance An analysis conducted by Malte Landwehr, vice president of product at Searchmetrics, suggests that Google's algorithm has increased its weighting of user signals when calculating rankings. T-Shirt Design service Results show that domains that improved their SEO visibility after the Google Core update have higher values ​​for time on site and pageviews per visit, and lower bounce rates than their competitors.

in line. Time on site Pages per visit Rebound rate Winner loser 65% Il suffit de regarder le contraste du temps moyen sur le site pour tous les gagnants et les perdants. T-Shirt Design service Les gagnants de la mise à jour ont un temps moyen sur site de 2:29 minutes - c'est 26% de plus que les perdants de la mise à jour, qui ont un temps moyen sur site de 1:58 minutes. Des différences similaires peuvent être trouvées lors de l'analyse des pages par visite ou du taux de rebond.