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How Small Businesses Create a Logo

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:55 am
by luckyakter22
These are the rules of "survival" of brands in the modern market to achieve competitive differences and ensure their recognition. They are relevant not only for big brands, but also for small businesses. Therefore, branding issues are now being addressed at the business planning stage. It usually starts with a logo design. What methods do entrepreneurs use, how much money do they invest and what results do they get? The answers are in the study carried out by Log aster. Company representatives interviewed 1,200 respondents, including entrepreneurs and startups from Ukraine and the CIS countries, Western Europe, Canada, the United States and Brazil.

The study's authors were interested in learning what methods business reps use to build their brand and how much time and money they're willing to spend. How Small Special Database Businesses Create Their Logos - Log aster Research Bills The majority of respondents (53.9%) responded that they are willing to pay no more than $100 to logo developers. Another 20.5% of respondents expressed a desire to get a brand symbol for free. 19.2% of entrepreneurs foresee a budget of between 100 and 500 dollars. 6.4% of small businesses expressed their willingness to pay more than $500.


The conclusion is obvious: only a quarter of the total number of entrepreneurs and start-ups can afford to order a logo from a specialized agency or independent designer. The rest have the following options available: independent development or the use of specialized online tools. Bills Value for money 38.2% of those surveyed put the quality of the logo first: for them this characteristic is key. 33.6% of entrepreneurs preferred the “golden mean”: they need a brand symbol with a suitable price and adequate quality. And only 12.5% ​​of those surveyed admitted that affordability is a priority factor.