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A recent question on our E-Works

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:53 am
by jabinbd999
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Rather suit shirt tie or jeans t-shirt shoes / basketball? Facebook fan page was asked about what to wear to a job interview at an e-commerce company . Here is the specific question that was posted by one of our members on Facebook: “I have a job interview this week for a job as an editor for a large e-commerce site. It may seem like a futile question, but in your opinion, how should I dress? » The question is far from Industry email list being trivial! Indeed, the clothing to adopt is often a headache for young graduates looking for a job. We wonder if the suit and tie for men or the suit for women is an obligation, or even an element that can play against it and give a stuck and too serious look.


We are talking here about positions in the web sector, where most people on a daily basis (apart from face-to-face sales functions with prospects) are more casually dressed: jeans, shoes, shirt. Some may even sport Converse All Stars instead of leather shoes, a geeky t-shirt instead of a shirt. In short, web companies could have invented the already known slogan of “ Come as you are ” proudly displayed by McDonalds HR campaigns. Our advice on how to dress for an interview on the web Many think that a suit and tie can be "stuck". I remind you all the same that the interview is not limited to a photo of your outfit: after the first few seconds, the discussion between the recruiter and the candidate quickly.