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Teachers Can't Teach T-shirt Design

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:33 am
by Ahad
The teacher points to the nine-square grid on the whiteboard: "Every one repeat the Target 9." Student repeats: "Target 9." Teacher: "Target 9." Student repeats again: "Target 9." Bilingual education, all English teaching? In response to the "2030 Bilingual Country" proposed by the Executive Yuan in 2019, the Ministry of Education launched "Bilingual Education". In September 2021, "Bilingual Education" will be officially launched in primary and secondary schools with a budget of several billion yuan. Click on the "Recommended Teaching Examples" in the "Implementation Plan for Bilingual Teaching in Some Areas of National Primary and Secondary Schools", and you can see that the subjects of bilingual education cover mathematics,

society, natural science, technology, health and sports, art, life courses, and comprehensive activities... … In addition to the physical education class mentioned above, we selected a few well-received videos from the "Recommended Teaching Examples", and went to the Normal University to visit Professor T-Shirt Design
Lin Zibin-Mr. Lin has taught in Singapore and has bilingual teaching experience. He is called "Taiwan Bilingual Education Teacher Cultivation Helmsman", and he is also the project host of the "Bilingual Teaching Implementation Plan for Some Courses in National Primary and Secondary Schools - Project Office for the Construction and Promotion of Local Bilingual Education Models". To our surprise, he bluntly said that these videos were all too exaggerated:

"Bilingual is definitely not the same as teaching in English." Only then did we discover that the “Implementation Plan for Bilingual Teaching in Some Areas of National Primary and Secondary Schools” and the “Project Office for the Construction and Promotion of Local Bilingual Education Models” in this plan are different project leaders. The former is the National Taipei Education Professor Chen Jinfen of the University started with immersive teaching research. The latter is Professor Lin Zibin, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. Why there is a contradiction between the two is worth studying, but we must first understand Mr. Lin's proposition. Therefore, this article focuses on Mr. Lin's point of view. Teacher Lin said: "From my point of view, I will definitely emphasize the subject and major. Today, if you are a physical education teacher, you should teach physical education first. If you are a musi