Those dealing with very niche topics

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Those dealing with very niche topics

Post by parvej980 »

Make sure your website includes address details: company name, full address and telephone number, as well as opening hours. The more precise and comprehensive the address is, the better. Although I won't be surprised if the search engine displays results from Google My Business pages. Therefore, it is worth completing your profile and administering it on an ongoing basis. Mobile devices Users use voice search engines mainly using mobile devices - phones or tablets.

Therefore, it is worth going a step further and optimizing your website for these devices. There is nothing worse than a situation in which users who enter our link in the voice search results leave the website after a while because it is photo retouching not adapted to mobile devices. Let's perform a few basic tests that will tell us whether our website is mobile-friendly and where the problem is. Let's use Google Mobile Friendly Test to check the architecture of our website for mobile devices, as well as Google Page Speed ​​Insights to check its speed. Another simple procedure that we can do ourselves is to edit the texts.


On the website to make them easier for mobile users to understand. Let's create simple sentences, short paragraphs, and divide the text with subheadings. You can find more about how to optimize your website for mobile devices in one of my videos. A company blog is often a key element of a company's marketing strategy. This is not surprising, because it fulfills several very important tasks at the same time. First, blogs provide us all with high-quality content. Especially are not only a source of information, but also a place that brings together specialists in a given industry.
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